Thursday, March 28, 2019

Analysis of The lake of Innisfree Essay -- English Literature

Analysis of The lake of InnisfreeThis poem is virtually an island called Innisfree. It is a handsome openarea surrounded by wildlife.Keats is from Sligo himself and Sligo is very(prenominal) near to the islandcalled Innisfree. The island is very small and is situated in a bay.When Keats writes this poem he is in London at the time, and the poemis circulated around his memories of his island and contrasting itwith the slackness of London. An physical exertion of this is pavements greywhich describes the dullness and how London is colourless. This is thecontrast as the island is colourful and sort of of pavements therewould be grass.He then uses the phrasal idiom I exit airlift and go now this is emphaticwhich means he wants to do it immediately. This emphasises hisdiscontent of being in London. He then thinks into the future abouthow hes going to build his house there and contrasts it to theLondon, concrete houses. He says hell make it out of clay and wattle,both indispensa ble materials. He has a similar fantasy to Robinson Crusoesadventure. The idea that hell be self-sufficient, growing what heeats and victuals off nature. He specifies exactly what hes going tohave on the island with the evince nine been rows will I have theregives the idea its something hes always wanted. Its also a definitenumber, he doesnt want 6 or 2 he wants 9. This shows that hesplanned it out carefully and again gives the idea that he feelspowerfully about this fantasy.And live alone in the bee-loud glade - this gives the idea ofsolitude, living alone but yet not that alone as he has got the beesbuzzing. This gives a soft sound as if he wants company and is similar to an old man with a radio. It also means that unlikeL... ...e stands in grim London. The water lapping is another calm soundwhich suggests tranquillity. Its as if hes being tempted by thesounds of nature.Line 11- the grey, dull pavements contrast with the purple noon in rhyme 2. I essay it in my deep hearts cor e. the core of an apple isthe centre, the thought in a human or the heart. This means that hesexperiencing a desire that fills his whole body and that he reallywants to go.The phrase I will arise and go now is a character reference from the bible andthe story of the prodigal son. The phrase itself comes from the exactpart where hes had enough of cleaning and eating with the pigs and isI will arise and go to my father (Luke 15 v18). It means you shoulddo what you really want to do . In the story, the son goes back to hisfather and in the verse Keats wants to return to his homeland(Innisfree).

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